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WithOnePlanet needs your feedback!

Evaluation forms have been developed for both students and teachers to complete when they have finished a WithOnePlanet program. The evaluation form for students below can be sent to both the responsible teacher and WithOnePlanet. Please complete this evaluation form no matter how much or how little of the resources on the WithOnePlanet open education portal you may have used or completed.

It will only take a few minutes and will help us to continue to improve the quality of the WithOnePlanet resouces for future students and teachers.

Your feedback will be treated confidentially, as required by law, and will only be used to identify improvement opportunities.

We appreciate your help in evaluating this program. If you wish for further information or clarification please contact us at


Fields marked with an * are required

For the following statements please tick one option, indicating your level of agreement or disagreement.

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