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Do you know
- Do you know that 1,811 tons of CO2 emissions are generated from the internet every minute? That is approximately 2 million tons annually?
- Do you know that Australia has the highest level of greenhouse gas emissions per capita in the world?
OECD Factbook 2014
- Do you know that Timor Leste has one of the lowest levels of greenhouse gas emissions per capita in the world?
- Do you know that in Australia, the food supply chain is responsible for a quarter of our total greenhouse gas emissions, second only to that emitted by power stations?
- Do you know that 80% of global energy consumption is generated from fossil fuels?
- Do you know that CO2 emissions from global energy consumption reached a record level of 31.6 gigatonnes in 2012?
- Do you know that hardwood trees absorb more carbon than softwood trees?
- Do you know that trees play a specific and important role in the global carbon cycle by absorbing carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, storing carbon above and belowground, and producing oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis?
- Do you know that 1 minute of YouTube streaming is equivelent to 0.01gm of carbon; that the average YouTube video view is 4 minutes and that there are over 2 billion views a day?
- Do you know that the global carbon emissions generated from computer technology (3.7%) is almost as high as emissions generated by the aviation industry (4.2%)?
- Do you know that 31 million kg of CO2 is generated from the energy needed to process the 1.2 trillion internet searches every year? That is enough energy to run a household freezer for 64,800 years.
- Do you know that greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere actually trap and reflect heat and radiation back to the planet’s surface?
- Do you know that over the last century greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere have increased as a result of carbon emissions,which is contributing to global warming?
- Do you know that the internet produces the same amount of carbon dioxide annually as 30 million cars going on a road trip around the world?
- Do you know that the internet produces the same amount of carbon dioxide annually, as Hong Kong, Singapore, North Korea, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Mongolia combined?
- Do you know that the internet produces the same amount of carbon dioxide annually as a Boeing 747 passenger jet flying to the moon and back five thousand six hundred and seventy four times.
- Do you know that the atmosphere knows no borders? Carbon emissions travel the globe and can impact on people and environments everywhere.
- Do you know that 95% of Australia’s electricity is produced from burning fossil fuels?
- Do you know that for every kg of coal burned 3 kg of greenhouse gases, mostly carbon dioxide, enter the atmosphere?
- Do you know that 97% of the world’s scientists agree that climate change is caused by human activity?
Climate Reality Project
- Do you know that it is estimated that a quarter of the world population are connected to the internet, generating significant global emissions from personal and business use of computers?
- Do you know that computers use large amounts of energy that causes substantial emissions of greenhouse gases?
- Do you know that over 50% of Australia’s ecological footprint is due to greenhouse gas emissions, with the average household emitting around 14 tonnes of greenhouse gases each year?
wwf – Footprint calculator – wwf – Australia
- Do you know that trees remove CO2 from the atmosphere to mitigate the effects of climate change on the environment?
- Do you know that carbon accounts for around 50% of the dry weight of a tree?
- Do you know that carbon is the major component of non-living things including coal, charcoal, and diamonds, as well as living things including trees that contain approximately 50% (by dry weight)? Even the human body is 18% carbon (by mass)!
- Do you know that carbon is the sixth element of the periodic table and the fourth most abundant element in our solar system, only surpassed by hydrogen, helium and oxygen. It is a non-metal, colourless, odourless in low concentrations, and is represented by the chemical symbol ‘C’.
- Do you know that if the greenhouse effect proceeds as predicted, Australia is likely to experience more extreme weather patterns with higher average temperatures, more and longer heatwaves, and reduced rainfall?
- Do you know that natural and planted forests act as ‘sinks’ for absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere? Increasing the area of forests and tree plantations is one method we have available to ‘offset’ emissions of CO2.
- Do you know that carbon is cycled through ecosystems in several different forms; through living things; the soil; water; and, the atmosphere?
- Do you know that the although the world’s coal resources have the largest reserves left of all fossil fuels, demand will outstrip supply in 185 years?
- Do you know that the impacts of climate change, including warming ocean temperatures, strong storms and increased carbon dioxide, could see the destruction of the reef within 16 years? More than half of the reef has dispapeared since 1985.
- Do you know that climate change has seen the snowline on Mount Everest move up several hundred feet in the past 50 years?
- Do you know that volcanoes actually help cool the Earth when they erupt as they release sulfur droplets which reflect the sun’s rays so they can’t warm the ground? However, the eruption also releases carbon dioxide and adds to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
- Do you know that Dubai has the world’s highest per capita carbon footprint?
- Do you know that food represents 21% of your total annual carbon footprint?
- Do you know that it is estimated that a 130g cheeseburger has a carbon footprint of 5.18 kilograms CO2 equivalent, using 243g of fossil fuel in the production process?
- Do you know that current global warming trends will ensure that by the year 2030 the US’s Glacier National Park will have none of its current 26 glaciers remaining? There were 150 in the year 1850.
- Do you know that ocean acidification is increasing due to higher levels of CO2? These increases are impacting on many shell-forming marine organisms
- Do you know that 90% of Australians have the internet, compared to only 1% of our neighbours in Timor Leste?
- Do you know that Timor Leste has one of the lowest levels of greenhouse gas emissions per capita in the world?
- Do you know that only 50% of children in Timor Leste complete primary school? WithOneSeed
- Do you know that half of the Timor Leste population live below the poverty line?
- Do you know that subsistence farmers in Timor Leste survive on as little as 80 cents a day? The current World Bank poverty threshold is $1.25.
- Do you know that worldwide more than 3,000 mobile phones are purchased every minute?
- Do you know that worldwide more than 500 computers are purchased every minute?
- Do you know that 90% of Australians have the internet, compared to only 1% of our neighbours in Timor-Leste?
- Do you know that there are 7 billion people on this planet and there are over 6 billion mobile phones?
- Do you know that it takes more electricity to stream a HD movie over a wireless network than it would have taken to manufacture and ship the DVD?
- Do you know that 10% of the world’s total electricity generation is used by the digital economy?
- Do you know that 1 minute of YouTube streaming is equivelent to 0.01gm of carbon; that the average YouTube video view is 4 minutes and that there are over 2 billion views a day?
- Do you know that on average there are over 4.5 million Facebook likes every day?
- Do you know that on average there are over 3.5 million photos uploaded to Facebook every day?
- Do you know that the average Facebook visit is 20 minutes?
- Do you know that the global carbon emissions generated from computer technology (3.7%) is almost as high as emissions generated by the aviation industry (4.2%)?
- Do you know that 6 billion people on our planet have mobile phones but only 4.5 billion have a toilet?
- Do you know that using a tablet or smart phone to watch an hour of video consumes more electricity than it takes to run two new refrigerators?
- Do you know that worldwide we use 50% more energy to move bytes than we do to move planes in global aviation?
- Do you know that by 2015, consumer electronics and small appliances will be responsible for almost 30% of all household electricity use?
- Do you know that in 1995 only 1% of the world’s population had the internet,compared to 40% in 2014?
- Do you know that there is over 22,700 giga bytes of Internet traffic every second?
- Do you know that there are over 1,500 Skype calls every second?
- Do you know that there are over 1,200 Instagram photos uploaded every second?
- Do you know that there are over 7,500 Tweets sent every second?
- Do you know that there are over 45,000 Google searches every second?
- Do you know that there are over 86,000 YouTube videos viewed every second?
- Do you know that there are over 2.9 billion active internet users in the world?
- Do you know that there are over 1.2 billion active Facebook users in the world?
- Do you know that worldwide there are 122 cars manufactured every minute?
- Do you know that there is over 1.2 trillion gigabytes of data being stored in data centres around the world?
- Do you know that there was over 1.2 trillion Google searches in 2013 which generated 312,000 tonnes of CO2?
- Do you know that 31 million kg of CO2 is generated from the energy needed to process the 1.2 trillion internet searches every year? That is enough energy to run a household freezer for 64,800 years.
- Do you know that there are over 90 trillion emails sent per year? That’s approximately 2.3 million every second.
- Do you know that the internet produces the same amount of carbon dioxide annually as 30 million cars going on a road trip around the world?
- Do you know that the internet produces the same amount of carbon dioxide annually, as Hong Kong, Singapore, North Korea, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Mongolia combined?
- Do you know that the internet produces the same amount of carbon dioxide annually as a Boeing 747 passenger jet flying to the moon and back five thousand six hundred and seventy four times.
- Do you know that your right to use computer technology comes with a responsibility to make sure it does no harm either socially or environmentally?
- Do you know that the only 10% of mobile phones are recycled?
- Do you know that information communication technologies worldwide uses 1,500 terawatt-hours of power annually, the same amount that lit up the whole world in 1985?
- Do you know that it is estimated that a quarter of the world population are connected to the internet, generating significant global emissions from personal and business use of computers?
- Do you know that computers use large amounts of energy that causes substantial emissions of greenhouse gases?
- Do you know that there are 1.4 billion active Facebook users worldwide? That is 11% of the world’s population.
- Do you know that 98% of 18–24 year olds use social media?
- Do you know that there are 17 million articles hosted by Wikipedia?
- Do you know that the 22% of teenagers log on to Facebook over 10 times per day?
- Do you know that there were 145 billion text messages sent worldwide in 2013?
- Do you know that there are over 36 billion WhatsApp outbound messages sent and 18 billion inbound messages received each day? That is more than all SMS messages on every carrier worldwide in a 24 hour period.
- Do you know that over 250 million people access Facebook with mobile phone?
- Do you know that there are 70 billion pieces of content shared on Facebook each month?
- Do you know that 29% of people said that their mobile phone is the first and last thing they look at each day?
- Do you know that the average age of a video game player is 37 years?
- Do you know that worldwide in 2012 over $13 billion was spent on video games?
- Do you know that 75% of online computer virus attacks are attributed to ‘malicious URL’ – more than 700 million attacks?
- Do you know that on average, every iPhone has 88 downloaded apps?
- Do you know that 42% of video gamers are women?
- Do you know that the world’s natural gas resources will run out in 56 years if global production remains at the current rate?
- Do you know that worldwide in 2012 over $13 billion was spent on video games?
- Do you know that there has been a 193% increase in e-commenrce revenue in the past 5 years to $237 billion?
- Do you know that worldwide there are 25 hectares of fertile land being reduced to desert every minute?
- Do you know that every year more than 4 billion plastic shopping bags are discarded which then causes the death of over 2,000 birds and mammals every minute?
- Do you know that reforestation improves soil and water quality, reduces soil erosion, and helps to restore natural habitats?
- Do you know that trees play a specific and important role in the global carbon cycle by absorbing carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, storing carbon above and belowground, and producing oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis?
- Do you know that worldwide there are more than 19 tons of toxic chemicals released into the environment every minute?
- Do you know that worldwide in 2012 there were more than 32 million people displaced due to natural disasters? This is 4 million more than the combined populations of Australia and New Zealand.
UNICEF UK Climate Change Report 2008
- Do you know that children are more likely than adults to perish during natural disasters or succumb to malnutrition, injuries or disease in the aftermath?
UNICEF UK Climate Change Report 2008
- Do you know that an estimated 650,000 people, of which 300,000 were children, were affected by back-to-back hurricanes in Haiti in 2008?
UNICEF Press release (6 September 2008)
- Do you know that more than 46% of the world’s population is now younger than 25 years old?
UNICEF UK Climate Change Report 2008
- Do you know that Australia has 444 threatened species, of which 121 are mammals?
- Do you know that rainforests are being cut down at the rate of 41 hectares per minute?
- Do you know that extreme weather events caused by climate change significantly impacts on children’s ability to attend school?
Association for Childhood Education International, UNICEF UK Climate Change Report 2008
- Do you know that if all countries consumed the resources that Australian’s do, it would take the biocapacity of three Earths to support their lifestyle?
- Do you know that Australia has one of the world’s largest ecological footprints per capita, requiring 6.6 global hectares per person?
wwf – Footprint calculator – wwf – Australia
- Do you know that over 50% of Australia’s ecological footprint is due to greenhouse gas emissions, with the average household emitting around 14 tonnes of greenhouse gases each year?
wwf – Footprint calculator – wwf – Australia
- Do you know that the world’s natural gas resources will run out in 56 years if global production remains at the current rate?
- Do you know that the world’s oil resources will run out in 43 years if global production remains at the current rate?
- Do you know that by 2025 it is predicted that 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity?
- Do you know that there are 1 billion molecules of CFCs in a single Styrofoam cup?
- Do you know that phosphorus is one of 17 nutrients essential for plant growth and is predicted to run out in 50-100 years unless new reserves are found?
- Do you know that current global warming trends will ensure that by the year 2030 the US’s Glacier National Park will have none of its current 26 glaciers remaining? There were 150 in the year 1850.
- Do you know that pollution has caused irreversible damage to many of the world’s great wonders such as The Great Barrier Reef, The Taj Mahal, and the Pyramids of Giza?
- Do you know that 27,000 trees are felled every day for toilet paper?
- Do you know that paper can only be recycled 6 times as the fibers become too weak to hold together?
- Do you know that food represents 21% of your total annual carbon footprint?
- Do you know that the world’s oil resources will run out in 43 years if global production remains at the current rate?
- Do you know that by 2025 it is predicted that 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity?
- Do you know that pollution has caused irreversible damage to many of the world’s great wonders such as The Great Barrier Reef, The Taj Mahal, and the Pyramids of Giza?
- Do you know that 27,000 trees are felled every day for toilet paper?
- Do you know that for every 1°C increase above the normal average temperature, there is a 8% increase in diarrhoea related hospitalisations?
Checkley W, Epstein LD, Gilman RH, et al: Effect of El Nino and ambient temperature on hospital admissions for diarrhoeal diseases in Peruvian children. Lancet. 2000
- Do you know that 40% of all bottled water sold in the world is bottled tap water?
- Do you know that more than 400,000 people living in China die every year from illness and disease related to air pollution?
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